Thursday, 9 January 2014

Welcome to my world

Hi there....
     So my BFF has been encouraging me to do this blog thing.  Apparently I'm not as in touch with technology and social media as I could be.  Now, I'm not saying I'm "new" to social media...I can check my email, Facebook doesn't scare me anymore but the other stuff;  Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, I dont know.  Here is a picture of my coffee.  I am drinking coffee.  This is my opinion of the coffee.
     Then there's the whole technology thing.  We do not get along.  At. All. For example, I have literally made computers shut down by touching them, my iPad will stop working randomly and I am CONVINCED my phone either doesn't like the frequency I run at, or its possessed by a perverted 12 year old boy. I mean, I typed in "McDonalds" and the autocorrect changed it to "McPadonkadonk"...I've never used the word "Padonkadonk" on my phone. I know how to use technology, I just dont think that technology likes me...

     But hey, I'm willing to give it a shot. My BFF has never steered my wrong (damn her sense and logic!) and she thinks this blogging thing will be a good arena for my rants.  I do like that. Ranting, raving, carrying on, or as I like to call it, aggressively expressing my opinions and observations. It's all in your perspective.

     Since we're on the subject of technology, I work in the retail/service industry and I have been working in this industry since the time before scanners or debit machines, when using your credit card involved physically manipulating an archaic machine and carbon paper. When the debit card came along and its technology, I had a front row seat in watching people adjust to using plastic and punching numbers instead of counting cash. Some people took to the change rather well, others had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this new realm of technology. First it was the stripe swipe...

     "Stripe down facing me and give it a swipe"
     "No, the other way please"
     "Thats backwards Sweetie, please try again"
     "Now you got it upsidedown"
     "Here, give it to me..."
     "No Sir, you won't be charged three times for this transaction because I had to swipe your card   three times. Yes, I'm sure" Sigh....

     Then came the chip cards.  Advanced technology, streamlined, the bugs worked out. Nopenopenope. Let me tell you, P.O.S does not mean "Point Of Sale" to me....

     "Just slide it into the slot"
     "No that's the wrong way"
     "Actually, you pulled it out too soon, now we have to start again"
     "Just stick it in and leave it. Don't jiggle it or pull it out until I tell you I'm done with it"
     "Ok, now you can take it out. Thank you"

     And of course I couldn't have this conversation with a guy between the ages of 20 and 30 without it going completley sideways. Sigh...

      What's next down the technological pipeline? After scanning your purchases, do I scan the barcode on your arm? Or do you simply press a fingertip onto the little screen until it beeps? Whatever shape it takes, I'm pretty sure there will be more than a few "deer caught in the headlights" looks as I take their proverbial hand and walk them through it. It's not a job, it's an adventure!

     So Welcome To My World firends, and until next time, take it easy....or any way you can get it. That Is All...



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