Saturday, 5 April 2014

Hi there....

     So here I am on my back porch, willing spring to...well...spring. It's gray and rainy, but the signs are there! I see crocuses thumbing their noses at the rain by opening their petals in a profusion of whites and purples, daffodils standing tall but shyly hiding their petals in hopes that the sun will make more than an appearance, and the flamboyant cherry trees with their "Ta Da!!" of blossoms that can brighten the grayest of days.  There's a whisper of green running through the trees, limbs stretching out, breathing a sigh of relief knowing that winter is over and anticipating the feeling of warmth on their skin, a blush of green creeps across the grass like a tide of renewal, pushing away the drab dry brown of winter.

     Spring is a time to notice the little things, and their potential to make the world around you a better place. It may not be the time of year to stop and smell the roses yet, but stop in front of that rose bush and imagine, anticiapte, that beautiful rose and how will smell.  There is nothing more zen than watching squirrels cavort and gambol.

     My advice?  Take a walk on the wild side, your spirit will thank you for it.

That is all friends, now go play outside.




  1. If it's grey and rainy why am I going outside to play? I don't wanna...
