Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Hi There...

     " Ah Lo, you kill me."  My bestie says to me from out on the porch through the open bathroom window.

     " Why because I'm crouched naked and cleaning the tub?"  I casually respond from inside said tub on the other side of the window.

     She laughs.  "No, because you are a dye job trainwreck and you're going to have to clean the chair out here when you're done in there."

     Ok, here's the story behind that.  For awhile now I've been sporting various shades of reds and pinky purples on the underside of my hair while keeping my natural blonde on the top.  It's chaotic, uneven, a thoroughly amateur job.  When I say amateur, I mean I just pull up everything I want to keep blond into a knot on top of my head and and attack the rest with the goop and I love it.  

     I'm getting better at containing the blast zone, though I've been banished from the living room where there's a huge mirror and, well, the TV because the goop I use doesn't come out of the rug. 

     The first time I used this particular goop, I was unaware of how...intesely vibrant...the colour would be not just on my hair, but on every surface this stuff came into contact with.   After waiting the alloted time, I jumped in the shower to rinse it out as I've done numerous other times when changing my hair colour.  Let me interject right here that the colour was a deep red and I'm talking blood red.  Yeah, you know where this is going.

     After a couple minutes with my eyes closed I opened them to look down and see how clear the water was getting, making sure I'm getting it all rinsed out as well as get a first peek at what the colour looked like.  Should've kept my eyes closed longer cause I literally scared myself silly.  The tub, walls, and myself were red.  I`m talking looks like I just butchered a bunch of kittens and am trying to wash away the evidence red. While cleaning the tub afterwards, I had a vague idea what cleaning up a massacre must look like.

     Yeah, since then, I`ve refined my technique, though there are still moments, like with the recent recolouring when I end up leaving pinky purple streaks or spots on things like the chair on the porch when I went out to have a smoke while waiting for the goop to do its thing.  Now in my defense I had gone for a haircut that day and didnt think my hair was long enought to brush the back of the chair anymore.  Au contraire.

      So while I was cleaning the pink out of the tub, yes naked, (two birds one stone)  I inadvertantly gave Ordinarygirl a giggle and I`m quite sure she was shaking her head with that `Never a dull moment with Blondunicorn around`smile my bestie tells me I`m a dye job trainwreck and she always speaks the truth.

     Make someone laugh.  Even if it is at your own expense, believe me its worth it.

     That Is All....





1 comment:

  1. Make someone laugh. Even if it is at your own expense, believe me its worth it.
    laughter is the best medicine
